If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
Baptism Guide
Next Baptisms: June 2nd, 2024
This is a brief guide to help you understand baptism and figure out whether or not you are ready for it.
Baptism is a BIG deal.
It's a one-time, grand announcement that you follow Jesus because you believe he rescued you. Except instead of telling people one by one, you show a whole lot of them at once...by getting dunked in and out of water. Kind of like wearing a jersey to show you're a fan of a sports team. Or wearing a ring to show that you're married.
Any person—kid or adult—who gets baptized should understand what he or she is showing others.
Understanding Baptism: 4 Core Personal Statements
1. I need a rescuer.
Everybody has done wrong things. It all started when God told Adam not to eat from one tree in the Garden of Eden.
God said, "If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die" (Genesis 2:17).
Unfortunately, God's enemy, the snake, tricked Adam and Eve into thinking God didn't really love them. So they chose to disobey him (Genesis 3:1-6). That's when death and all the wrong things in the world began. Adam and Eve eventually died. And now everyone who disobeys God-which is all of us—deserves the same punishment (Romans 3:23).
2. God sent a rescuer
God created us to love him and be close to him, forever. And he loved us way too much to let death stand in the way of that. So he sent his own, perfect son Jesus-who didn't deserve death-to take our punishment (John 3:16). But Jesus didn't stay dead; he came back to life. Jesus took our punishment by dying and got rid of death by coming back to life. Since Jesus beat death, now death can't separate us from God anymore (Romans 8:38-39).
3. Jesus is my rescuer.
There's nothing any of us can do to make up for the wrong things we have done. Even if we do a million good things, it's not enough (Ephesians 2:8-9). But this rescue is a special gift God gives us all for free. And just like we have to open presents if we want to see what's inside, we have to decide that we want God's gift. Making that choice is like opening our present! When we do, God sees us as his very own children (John 1:12). That means we are close to him again.
4. I follow Jesus.
Ephesians 5:1-2 says: "You are the children that God dearly loves. So be just like him. Lead a life of love, just as Christ did. He loved us. He gave himself up for us. He was a sweet-smelling offering and sacrifice to God." Leading a life of love in this world full of wrong things is not easy (Romans 8:17). And we'll definitely mess up sometimes. But ...if we accept God's gift and do our best to live like Jesus, we will one day live with him forever in a perfect, glorious world, where there's no sickness or sadness or death or anything bad. And that will be worth the wait (Revelation 21:1-4).
“Why Should I Get Baptized?”
Most importantly, Jesus wants us to get baptized.
After all, he got baptized (Matthew 3:13-17), and following Jesus means doing what he did. Also, he told people to get baptized in Matthew 28:19-20: "Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have told you." Once we decide to follow Jesus (which is what it means to be a disciple) we should obey him by getting baptized.
Baptism is a picture of Jesus' rescue.
When we go under the water, it reminds us of how Jesus died and was buried—and we choose to get rid of (or bury) our old life of disobeying God and not being close to him. When we come up out of the water, it reminds us of how Jesus came back to life, which got rid of death-and now we can learn to live like Jesus did, and do what he wants us to do (Romans 6:3-4).
Baptism is a picture of how we have been made clean by God.
When Jesus rescued us, it was like he wiped away all the wrong things we had done, just like water washes away dirt (Romans 6:23). The water in baptism shows people that we've told God we're sorry for all the wrong things we've done. We've asked God to forgive us and make us clean through Jesus (Psalm 103:10-12).
Talking to your kids about baptism.
Maybe all you really want to know is whether your child is ready.
Here's the thing: There's no "right" age or action to indicate your child is ready. It's hard to know exactly when anyone is ready, because baptism is an outward expression of an inward choice to follow Jesus.
So let your kid initiate the conversation. Don't force baptism upon him or her or make your kid think it's something that has to be done before a person starts following Jesus; it's not. (Remember Ephesians 2:8-9: there's nothing we can do to rescue ourselves.)
But if your kid comes to you and asks about baptism, talk about what baptism announces to people and why we do it. Go through this page and the discussion guide below together with them. If he or she can express a personal understanding of baptism and still wants to take that step, great! If not, use the discussion as an opportunity to talk more about Jesus and his rescue.
“Is my child ready for Baptism?”
Have the Conversation.
Set aside 30-45 minutes to have a conversation with your child. Don’t rush through this discussion, but treat this as an opportunity to have a genuine conversation with your child about their faith and what their faith means.
Baptism is when we go under the water, symbolizing Jesus' death and resurrection - Jesus died and came back to life again on the third day. As the parent, share your story of how you were baptized and what it meant to you to share publicly of the decision you made to follow Jesus. Read these passages together: Matthew 3:1-16, Matthew 28:16-20, and John 3:1-21.
Have your child tell you why they want to be baptized. It’s important to only listen during this time. Refrain from the urge to finish their sentences or help them complete a thought. You want your child to articulate (tell others) their personal reasons for wanting to be baptized.
Ask #1
“What happens when you sin again?” The answer is to confess or “say” your sins to God in prayer and sometimes to the person we may have done wrong to.
Most kids are more worried about getting in trouble by mom or dad when they do something wrong than asking God for forgiveness, so it’s hard for them to not connect “getting in trouble” when we talk about God and sin. Without you interjecting, make sure they understand that it’s by the grace and love of Jesus that our sins are forgiven.
Ask #2
“Does this mean you’ll never sin again?” No, you do not need to live a life that chooses sin, but you will continue to make mistakes (sin). Only Jesus lived a sinless life. Read 1 John 1:8-10 and Romans 6:1-5 together.
Take this opportunity to pray a blessing over your child. This is as simple as asking for God’s favor in their life. As a parent, you have so much influence over your child and they need to hear what you think of them. Take this time to verbalize your thoughts about your child’s decision in prayer.
"For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ."
— Paul the Apostle, Galatians 3:27
Ready to be baptized? Fill out the form below.
The next Baptism Sunday will be on June 2nd, 2024, on Pensacola Beach at 5:00pm. Park at the cross and walk to the beach. We’ll sing a couple songs, have the baptisms, eat together, and enjoy the beach.
After you complete the registration, someone will reach out to you soon with more information.